Sort Mart

Sort Mart

Welcome to Sort Mart, where you will assume the role of a salesman entrusted with methodically and logically placing merchandise on the shelves. Can you take up the challenge and become an expert at strategically rearranging things?

Your canvas in this captivating puzzle game is an empty shelf. And you want to make a visually appealing display that makes the most of available space and draws in customers. You'll discover as you advance through the stages how crucial it is to make the most of every square inch of your store while preserving its appeal and diversity.

To strategically arrange an object on an empty shelf or next to related objects, click on it. But take caution—you can't just pile merchandise onto racks. Care must be used when placing each item, making sure there are either no nearby identical items at all or at least one.

You will receive stars for finishing each level successfully and will be able to access new items to add to your inventory. increasing the range of products you sell and drawing in more customers. Are you feeling stuck? By watching brief advertisements, you can add extra shelves or reset your arrangement with the "reclaim" button, providing you the resources you need to complete even the most difficult levels.

So, roll up your sleeves, sharpen your organizational skills, and embark on a journey to transform Sort Mart into the ultimate shopping destination. And if you're a fan of this genre, be sure to check out Jewel Block for another dose of addictive puzzle fun. Happy arranging!

How to play

Use your mouse to play this game.

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