Steal The Meal

Steal The Meal

Enjoyable for players of all ages, Steal The Meal has adorable animal graphics and is playable from any internet-connected device. The player takes on the role of a cat and mouse who have wagered money against one another in this game. Then, throughout the night, Click will get into the fridge, not to steal any of their goods, but rather some sausages for the family cat. The cat enjoyed every bite and even saw his food being prepared by the rodents in record time. So, what exactly are you waiting for? Initiate membership of Steal The Meal right now!


  • Animals that are just too cute to resist.
  • Designs in Two Dimensions. 
  • We visited four separate animal shelters. 
  • Easily modified settings.

How to play

Players overcome obstacles by clicking and dragging their cursor across the screen. Pay close attention to the obstacles in their path, since some of them may be traps designed to stop the game early. Best of luck!

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