Word Wipe

Word Wipe

Play Word Wipe, a variant on the classic online word search game. The direction and placement of the letters you employ are not important. When a word is formed from its constituent letters, those letters are removed from the board. Because of the ensuing change in letter spacing, many different permutations are possible. Do you have everything you need? Please consider signing up for Word Wipe right now.


  • A total of seven playable game modes.
  • There are a total of four available boosters.
  • Video game addiction

How to play

In order to take part in challenges, players move the mouse in a frantic attempt to find the hidden words. The cells may be deleted by clicking on them and then selecting the relevant letters. Letters from above descend to fill the space left by the dissolving tiles. Choose the game Boggle. You can make words by combining neighboring letters in any order you like. Three-character words are the bare minimum for this system. However, mind the clock between each round. In order to progress to the next level, you'll need to clear an increasing number of rows. When you successfully remove all of the lines, the game will provide you with a bomb that may be used to blow up any target of your choosing. Finally, I wish you the best of luck!

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