Blob Opera

Blob Opera

Engage in the role of a conductor and orchestrate a captivating opera performance within Blob Opera. Participate now to showcase your musical talents and craft your own distinct rendition of opera.

Blob Opera stands out as an interactive music and skill-based game. What sets it apart is its utilization of a machine learning algorithm trained on the voices of four opera singers. This results in an engaging experiment accessible to all, regardless of musical expertise. 

Your objective in Blob Opera is to compose an opera by maneuvering playful and vibrant blobs. The game mechanics are straightforward and user-friendly; simply adhere to the initial instructions provided on screen. By dragging the mouse, guide the adorable blobs to hit specific pitches in the music, generating optimal notes. Unleash your creativity by manipulating these blobs according to your musical preferences. Elevate the blobs for a more distinct sound, or elongate them to amplify and clarify the notes.

Once you've mastered the art of opera, utilize the record button situated at the bottom left corner of the screen to capture your performance, then share your creations with friends! Additionally, explore the option to infuse your creation with a festive ambiance, located in the bottom right corner.

Furthermore, there are numerous other captivating games awaiting your exploration, such as Snake, Pacman 30th Anniversary, and Doodle Baseball. Enjoy the adventure!

How to play

Alter the pitch by moving the blobs up and down using the mouse, or manipulate them back and forth to experiment with different vowels. Thanks to another machine learning model, the blobs dynamically respond and harmonize with your inputs in real-time.

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