Package Delivery!

Package Delivery!

Prepare to sprint, leap, and deliver in this heart-pounding marathon to become the best delivery person in the world! You have to make your way through an endless racecourse in this exhilarating game. Gathering parcels en route to trade for transformative enhancements and boosts in the Shop.

There will be many hurdles and difficulties for you to overcome as you run through the busy streets, but don't worry! Power-ups positioned thoughtfully throughout the route will provide you the tools you need to get past any obstacles in your path.

Make use of your abilities to jump over barriers with accuracy and run through them at breakneck speed. Additionally, double-tapping will activate your shield and add an additional layer of protection when things get rough.

With simple controls that let you run and jump. You'll be completely engrossed in the pulse-pounding action of this delivery-themed adventure as you effortlessly activate power-ups. So get ready, hit the streets, and show everyone that you are the delivery champion of champions!

You can also check out a ton of other intriguing games, like Sort Mart, Peg Solitaire, and Agent Walker vs. Skibidi Toilets. Play now!

How to play

  • To jump, press UP, W, or Space.
  • Press DOWN or S to dash.
  • UI controls are another option.
  • Use power ups to your advantage while running. Double tap to activate the shield.
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